Classification II: evaluation & tuning {#classification2}
Classification II: evaluation & tuning {#classification2}¶
knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.align = "center")
print_tidymodels <- function(tidymodels_object) {
if(!is_latex_output()) {
} else {
output <- capture.output(tidymodels_object)
for (i in seq_along(output)) {
if (nchar(output[i]) <= 80) {
cat(output[i], sep = "\n")
} else {
cat(str_sub(output[i], start = 1, end = 80), sep = "\n")
cat(str_sub(output[i], start = 81, end = nchar(output[i])), sep = "\n")
theme_update(axis.title = element_text(size = 12)) # modify axis label size in plots
This chapter continues the introduction to predictive modeling through classification. While the previous chapter covered training and data preprocessing, this chapter focuses on how to evaluate the accuracy of a classifier, as well as how to improve the classifier (where possible) to maximize its accuracy.
Chapter learning objectives¶
By the end of the chapter, readers will be able to do the following:
Describe what training, validation, and test data sets are and how they are used in classification.
Split data into training, validation, and test data sets.
Describe what a random seed is and its importance in reproducible data analysis.
Set the random seed in R using the
function.Evaluate classification accuracy in R using a validation data set and appropriate metrics.
Execute cross-validation in R to choose the number of neighbors in a
-nearest neighbors classifier.Describe the advantages and disadvantages of the
-nearest neighbors classification algorithm.
Evaluating accuracy¶
Sometimes our classifier might make the wrong prediction. A classifier does not need to be right 100% of the time to be useful, though we don’t want the classifier to make too many wrong predictions. How do we measure how “good” our classifier is? Let’s revisit the \index{breast cancer} breast cancer images data [@streetbreastcancer] and think about how our classifier will be used in practice. A biopsy will be performed on a new patient’s tumor, the resulting image will be analyzed, and the classifier will be asked to decide whether the tumor is benign or malignant. The key word here is new: our classifier is “good” if it provides accurate predictions on data not seen during training. But then, how can we evaluate our classifier without visiting the hospital to collect more tumor images?
The trick is to split the data into a training set \index{training set} and test set \index{test set} (Figure @ref(fig:06-training-test)) and use only the training set when building the classifier. Then, to evaluate the accuracy of the classifier, we first set aside the true labels from the test set, and then use the classifier to predict the labels in the test set. If our predictions match the true labels for the observations in the test set, then we have some confidence that our classifier might also accurately predict the class labels for new observations without known class labels.
Note: If there were a golden rule of machine learning, \index{golden rule of machine learning} it might be this: you cannot use the test data to build the model! If you do, the model gets to “see” the test data in advance, making it look more accurate than it really is. Imagine how bad it would be to overestimate your classifier’s accuracy when predicting whether a patient’s tumor is malignant or benign!
How exactly can we assess how well our predictions match the true labels for the observations in the test set? One way we can do this is to calculate the prediction accuracy. \index{prediction accuracy|see{accuracy}}\index{accuracy} This is the fraction of examples for which the classifier made the correct prediction. To calculate this, we divide the number of correct predictions by the number of predictions made.
The process for assessing if our predictions match the true labels in the test set is illustrated in Figure @ref(fig:06-ML-paradigm-test). Note that there are other measures for how well classifiers perform, such as precision and recall; these will not be discussed here, but you will likely encounter them in other more advanced books on this topic.
Randomness and seeds {#randomseeds}¶
Beginning in this chapter, our data analyses will often involve the use of randomness. \index{random} We use randomness any time we need to make a decision in our analysis that needs to be fair, unbiased, and not influenced by human input. For example, in this chapter, we need to split a data set into a training set and test set to evaluate our classifier. We certainly do not want to choose how to split the data ourselves by hand, as we want to avoid accidentally influencing the result of the evaluation. So instead, we let R randomly split the data. In future chapters we will use randomness in many other ways, e.g., to help us select a small subset of data from a larger data set, to pick groupings of data, and more.
However, the use of randomness runs counter to one of the main
tenets of good data analysis practice: \index{reproducible} reproducibility. Recall that a reproducible
analysis produces the same result each time it is run; if we include randomness
in the analysis, would we not get a different result each time?
The trick is that in R—and other programming languages—randomness
is not actually random! Instead, R uses a random number generator that
produces a sequence of numbers that
are completely determined by a \index{seed} \index{random seed|see{seed}}
seed value. Once you set the seed value
using the \index{seed!set.seed} set.seed
function, everything after that point may look random,
but is actually totally reproducible. As long as you pick the same seed
value, you get the same result!
Let’s use an example to investigate how seeds work in R. Say we want
to randomly pick 10 numbers from 0 to 9 in R using the sample
\index{sample!function} function,
but we want it to be reproducible. Before using the sample function,
we call set.seed
, and pass it any integer as an argument.
Here, we pass in the number 1
You can see that random_numbers
is a list of 10 numbers
from 0 to 9 that, from all appearances, looks random. If
we run the sample
function again, we will
get a fresh batch of 10 numbers that also look random.
If we want to force R to produce the same sequences of random numbers,
we can simply call the set.seed
function again with the same argument
And if we choose a different value for the seed—say, 4235—we obtain a different sequence of random numbers.
In other words, even though the sequences of numbers that R is generating look random, they are totally determined when we set a seed value!
So what does this mean for data analysis? Well, sample
is certainly
not the only function that uses randomness in R. Many of the functions
that we use in tidymodels
, tidyverse
, and beyond use randomness—many of them
without even telling you about it. So at the beginning of every data analysis you
do, right after loading packages, you should call the set.seed
function and
pass it an integer that you pick.
Also note that when R starts up, it creates its own seed to use. So if you do not
explicitly call the set.seed
function in your code, your results will
likely not be reproducible.
And finally, be careful to set the seed only once at the beginning of a data
analysis. Each time you set the seed, you are inserting your own human input,
thereby influencing the analysis. If you use set.seed
many times
throughout your analysis, the randomness that R uses will not look
as random as it should.
In summary: if you want your analysis to be reproducible, i.e., produce the same result each time you
run it, make sure to use set.seed
exactly once at the beginning of the analysis.
Different argument values in set.seed
lead to different patterns of randomness, but as long as
you pick the same argument value your result will be the same.
In the remainder of the textbook, we will set the seed once at the beginning of each chapter.
Evaluating accuracy with tidymodels
Back to evaluating classifiers now!
In R, we can use the tidymodels
package \index{tidymodels} not only to perform tidymodels
to evaluate a classifier
using the breast cancer data set from the previous chapter.
We begin the analysis by loading the packages we require,
reading in the breast cancer data,
and then making a quick scatter plot visualization \index{visualization!scatter} of
tumor cell concavity versus smoothness colored by diagnosis in Figure @ref(fig:06-precode).
You will also notice that we set the random seed here at the beginning of the analysis
using the set.seed
function, as described in Section @ref(randomseeds).
# load packages
# set the seed
# load data
cancer <- read_csv("data/unscaled_wdbc.csv") |>
# convert the character Class variable to the factor datatype
mutate(Class = as_factor(Class))
# create scatter plot of tumor cell concavity versus smoothness,
# labeling the points be diagnosis class
perim_concav <- cancer |>
ggplot(aes(x = Smoothness, y = Concavity, color = Class)) +
geom_point(alpha = 0.5) +
labs(color = "Diagnosis") +
scale_color_manual(labels = c("Malignant", "Benign"),
values = c("orange2", "steelblue2")) +
theme(text = element_text(size = 12))
Create the train / test split¶
Once we have decided on a predictive question to answer and done some preliminary exploration, the very next thing to do is to split the data into the training and test sets. Typically, the training set is between 50% and 95% of the data, while the test set is the remaining 5% to 50%; the intuition is that you want to trade off between training an accurate model (by using a larger training data set) and getting an accurate evaluation of its performance (by using a larger test data set). Here, we will use 75% of the data for training, and 25% for testing.
The initial_split
function \index{tidymodels!initial_split} from tidymodels
handles the procedure of splitting
the data for us. It also applies two very important steps when splitting to ensure
that the accuracy estimates from the test data are reasonable. First, it
shuffles the \index{shuffling} data before splitting, which ensures that any ordering present
in the data does not influence the data that ends up in the training and testing sets.
Second, it stratifies the \index{stratification} data by the class label, to ensure that roughly
the same proportion of each class ends up in both the training and testing sets. For example,
in our data set, roughly 63% of the
observations are from the benign class (B
), and 37% are from the malignant class (M
so initial_split
ensures that roughly 63% of the training data are benign,
37% of the training data are malignant,
and the same proportions exist in the testing data.
Let’s use the initial_split
function to create the training and testing sets.
We will specify that prop = 0.75
so that 75% of our original data set ends up
in the training set. We will also set the strata
argument to the categorical label variable
(here, Class
) to ensure that the training and testing subsets contain the
right proportions of each category of observation.
The training
and testing
functions then extract the training and testing
data sets into two separate data frames.
Note that the initial_split
function uses randomness, but since we set the
seed earlier in the chapter, the split will be reproducible.
# hidden seed
cancer_split <- initial_split(cancer, prop = 0.75, strata = Class)
cancer_train <- training(cancer_split)
cancer_test <- testing(cancer_split)
We can see from glimpse
in \index{glimpse} the code above that the training set contains r nrow(cancer_train)
observations, while the test set contains r nrow(cancer_test)
observations. This corresponds to
a train / test split of 75% / 25%, as desired. Recall from Chapter @ref(classification)
that we use the glimpse
function to view data with a large number of columns,
as it prints the data such that the columns go down the page (instead of across).
train_prop <- cancer_train |>
group_by(Class) |>
summarize(proportion = n()/nrow(cancer_train))
We can use group_by
and summarize
to \index{group_by}\index{summarize} find the percentage of malignant and benign classes
in cancer_train
and we see about r round(filter(train_prop, Class == "B")$proportion, 2)*100
% of the training
data are benign and r round(filter(train_prop, Class == "M")$proportion, 2)*100
are malignant, indicating that our class proportions were roughly preserved when we split the data.
cancer_proportions <- cancer_train |>
group_by(Class) |>
summarize(n = n()) |>
mutate(percent = 100*n/nrow(cancer_train))
Preprocess the data¶
As we mentioned in the last chapter,
Fortunately, the recipe
framework from tidymodels
helps us handle \index{recipe}\index{recipe!step_scale}\index{recipe!step_center}
this properly. Below we construct and prepare the recipe using only the training
data (due to data = cancer_train
in the first line).
cancer_recipe <- recipe(Class ~ Smoothness + Concavity, data = cancer_train) |>
step_scale(all_predictors()) |>
Train the classifier¶
Now that we have split our original data set into training and test sets, we
can create our fit
with the training data cancer_train
to build the classifier.
# hidden seed
knn_spec <- nearest_neighbor(weight_func = "rectangular", neighbors = 3) |>
set_engine("kknn") |>
knn_fit <- workflow() |>
add_recipe(cancer_recipe) |>
add_model(knn_spec) |>
fit(data = cancer_train)
Predict the labels in the test set¶
Now that we have a bind_cols
\index{bind_cols} to add the
column of predictions to the original test data, creating the
data frame. The Class
variable contains the true
diagnoses, while the .pred_class
contains the predicted diagnoses from the
cancer_test_predictions <- predict(knn_fit, cancer_test) |>
Compute the accuracy¶
Finally, we can assess our classifier’s accuracy. To do this we use the metrics
function \index{tidymodels!metrics}
from tidymodels
to get the statistics about the quality of our model, specifying
the truth
and estimate
cancer_test_predictions |>
metrics(truth = Class, estimate = .pred_class) |>
filter(.metric == "accuracy")
cancer_acc_1 <- cancer_test_predictions |>
metrics(truth = Class, estimate = .pred_class) |>
filter(.metric == 'accuracy')
In the metrics data frame, we filtered the .metric
column since we are
interested in the accuracy
row. Other entries involve more advanced metrics that
are beyond the scope of this book. Looking at the value of the .estimate
shows that the estimated accuracy of the classifier on the test data
was r round(100*cancer_acc_1$.estimate, 0)
We can also look at the confusion matrix for the classifier, which shows
the table of predicted labels and correct labels, using the conf_mat
confusion <- cancer_test_predictions |>
conf_mat(truth = Class, estimate = .pred_class)
confusionmt <- confusion |> tidy()
confu11 <- (confusionmt |> filter(name == "cell_1_1"))$value
confu12 <- (confusionmt |> filter(name == "cell_1_2"))$value
confu21 <- (confusionmt |> filter(name == "cell_2_1"))$value
confu22 <- (confusionmt |> filter(name == "cell_2_2"))$value
The confusion matrix shows r confu11
observations were correctly predicted
as malignant, and r confu22
were correctly predicted as benign. Therefore the classifier labeled
r confu11
+ r confu22
= r confu11+confu22
correctly. It also shows that the classifier made some mistakes; in particular,
it classified r confu21
observations as benign when they were truly malignant,
and r confu12
observations as malignant when they were truly benign.
Critically analyze performance¶
We now know that the classifier was r round(100*cancer_acc_1$.estimate,0)
% accurate
on the test data set. That sounds pretty good! Wait, is it good?
Or do we need something higher?
In general, what a good value for accuracy \index{accuracy!assessment} is depends on the application. For instance, suppose you are predicting whether a tumor is benign or malignant for a type of tumor that is benign 99% of the time. It is very easy to obtain a 99% accuracy just by guessing benign for every observation. In this case, 99% accuracy is probably not good enough. And beyond just accuracy, sometimes the kind of mistake the classifier makes is important as well. In the previous example, it might be very bad for the classifier to predict “benign” when the true class is “malignant”, as this might result in a patient not receiving appropriate medical attention. On the other hand, it might be less bad for the classifier to guess “malignant” when the true class is “benign”, as the patient will then likely see a doctor who can provide an expert diagnosis. This is why it is important not only to look at accuracy, but also the confusion matrix.
However, there is always an easy baseline that you can compare to for any
classification problem: the majority classifier. The majority classifier \index{classification!majority}
always guesses the majority class label from the training data, regardless of
the predictor variables’ values. It helps to give you a sense of
scale when considering accuracies. If the majority classifier obtains a 90%
accuracy on a problem, then you might hope for your
As an example, in the breast cancer data, recall the proportions of benign and malignant observations in the training data are as follows:
cancer_propn_1 <- cancer_proportions |>
filter(Class == 'B') |>
Since the benign class represents the majority of the training data,
the majority classifier would always predict that a new observation
is benign. The estimated accuracy of the majority classifier is usually
fairly close to the majority class proportion in the training data.
In this case, we would suspect that the majority classifier will have
an accuracy of around r round(cancer_propn_1[1,1], 0)
The r round(100*cancer_acc_1$.estimate, 0)
This means that from the perspective of accuracy,
the r confu21
out of r confu11+confu21
malignant tumors, or r round(100*(confu21)/(confu11+confu21))
Therefore, even though the accuracy improved upon the majority classifier,
our critical analysis suggests that this classifier may not have appropriate performance
for the application.
Tuning the classifier¶
The vast majority of predictive models in statistics and machine learning have
parameters. A parameter \index{parameter}\index{tuning parameter|see{parameter}}
is a number you have to pick in advance that determines
some aspect of how the model behaves. For example, in the
So then, how do we pick the best value of
And remember: don’t touch the test set during the tuning process. Tuning is a part of model training!
The first step in choosing the parameter
There is, however, one key difference from the train/test split
that we performed earlier. In particular, we were forced to make only a single split
of the data. This is because at the end of the day, we have to produce a single classifier.
If we had multiple different splits of the data into training and testing data,
we would produce multiple different classifiers.
But while we are tuning the classifier, we are free to create multiple classifiers
based on multiple splits of the training data, evaluate them, and then choose a parameter
value based on all of the different results. If we just split our overall training
data once, our best parameter choice will depend strongly on whatever data
was lucky enough to end up in the validation set. Perhaps using multiple
different train/validation splits, we’ll get a better estimate of accuracy,
which will lead to a better choice of the number of neighbors
Let’s investigate this idea in R! In particular, we will generate five different train/validation
splits of our overall training data, train five different
# hidden seed
# create the 25/75 split of the training data into training and validation
cancer_split <- initial_split(cancer_train, prop = 0.75, strata = Class)
cancer_subtrain <- training(cancer_split)
cancer_validation <- testing(cancer_split)
# recreate the standardization recipe from before
# (since it must be based on the training data)
cancer_recipe <- recipe(Class ~ Smoothness + Concavity,
data = cancer_subtrain) |>
step_scale(all_predictors()) |>
# fit the knn model (we can reuse the old knn_spec model from before)
knn_fit <- workflow() |>
add_recipe(cancer_recipe) |>
add_model(knn_spec) |>
fit(data = cancer_subtrain)
# get predictions on the validation data
validation_predicted <- predict(knn_fit, cancer_validation) |>
# compute the accuracy
acc <- validation_predicted |>
metrics(truth = Class, estimate = .pred_class) |>
filter(.metric == "accuracy") |>
select(.estimate) |>
accuracies <- c()
for (i in 1:5) {
set.seed(i) # makes the random selection of rows reproducible
# create the 25/75 split of the training data into training and validation
cancer_split <- initial_split(cancer_train, prop = 0.75, strata = Class)
cancer_subtrain <- training(cancer_split)
cancer_validation <- testing(cancer_split)
# recreate the standardization recipe from before
# (since it must be based on the training data)
cancer_recipe <- recipe(Class ~ Smoothness + Concavity,
data = cancer_subtrain) |>
step_scale(all_predictors()) |>
# fit the knn model (we can reuse the old knn_spec model from before)
knn_fit <- workflow() |>
add_recipe(cancer_recipe) |>
add_model(knn_spec) |>
fit(data = cancer_subtrain)
# get predictions on the validation data
validation_predicted <- predict(knn_fit, cancer_validation) |>
# compute the accuracy
acc_ <- validation_predicted |>
metrics(truth = Class, estimate = .pred_class) |>
filter(.metric == "accuracy") |>
select(.estimate) |>
accuracies <- append(accuracies, acc_)
The accuracy estimate using this split is r round(100*acc,1)
Now we repeat the above code 4 more times, which generates 4 more splits.
Therefore we get five different shuffles of the data, and therefore five different values for
accuracy: r sprintf("%.1f%%", round(100*accuracies,1))
. None of these values are
necessarily “more correct” than any other; they’re
just five estimates of the true, underlying accuracy of our classifier built
using our overall training data. We can combine the estimates by taking their
average (here r round(100*mean(accuracies),0)
%) to try to get a single assessment of our
classifier’s accuracy; this has the effect of reducing the influence of any one
(un)lucky validation set on the estimate.
In practice, we don’t use random splits, but rather use a more structured
splitting procedure so that each observation in the data set is used in a
validation set only a single time. The name for this strategy is
cross-validation. In cross-validation, \index{cross-validation} we split our overall training
data into
To perform 5-fold cross-validation in R with tidymodels
, we use another
function: vfold_cv
. \index{tidymodels!vfold_cv}\index{cross-validation!vfold_cv} This function splits our training data into v
automatically. We set the strata
argument to the categorical label variable
(here, Class
) to ensure that the training and validation subsets contain the
right proportions of each category of observation.
# hidden seed
cancer_vfold <- vfold_cv(cancer_train, v = 5, strata = Class)
Then, when we create our data analysis workflow, we use the fit_resamples
function \index{cross-validation!fit_resamples}\index{tidymodels!fit_resamples}
instead of the fit
function for training. This runs cross-validation on each
train/validation split.
# hidden seed
# recreate the standardization recipe from before
# (since it must be based on the training data)
cancer_recipe <- recipe(Class ~ Smoothness + Concavity,
data = cancer_train) |>
step_scale(all_predictors()) |>
# fit the knn model (we can reuse the old knn_spec model from before)
knn_fit <- workflow() |>
add_recipe(cancer_recipe) |>
add_model(knn_spec) |>
fit_resamples(resamples = cancer_vfold)
The collect_metrics
\index{tidymodels!collect_metrics}\index{cross-validation!collect_metrics} function is used to aggregate the mean and standard error
of the classifier’s validation accuracy across the folds. You will find results
related to the accuracy in the row with accuracy
listed under the .metric
You should consider the mean (mean
) to be the estimated accuracy, while the standard
error (std_err
) is a measure of how uncertain we are in the mean value. A detailed treatment of this
is beyond the scope of this chapter; but roughly, if your estimated mean is r round(filter(collect_metrics(knn_fit), .metric == "accuracy")$mean,2)
and standard
error is r round(filter(collect_metrics(knn_fit), .metric == "accuracy")$std_err,2)
, you can expect the true average accuracy of the
classifier to be somewhere roughly between r (round(filter(collect_metrics(knn_fit), .metric == "accuracy")$mean,2) - round(filter(collect_metrics(knn_fit), .metric == "accuracy")$std_err,2))*100
% and r (round(filter(collect_metrics(knn_fit), .metric == "accuracy")$mean,2) + round(filter(collect_metrics(knn_fit), .metric == "accuracy")$std_err,2))*100
% (although it may
fall outside this range). You may ignore the other columns in the metrics data frame,
as they do not provide any additional insight.
You can also ignore the entire second row with roc_auc
in the .metric
as it is beyond the scope of this book.
knn_fit |>
We can choose any number of folds, and typically the more we use the better our
accuracy estimate will be (lower standard error). However, we are limited
by computational power: the
more folds we choose, the more computation it takes, and hence the more time
it takes to run the analysis. So when you do cross-validation, you need to
consider the size of the data, the speed of the algorithm (e.g.,
cancer_vfold <- vfold_cv(cancer_train, v = 10, strata = Class)
vfold_metrics <- workflow() |>
add_recipe(cancer_recipe) |>
add_model(knn_spec) |>
fit_resamples(resamples = cancer_vfold) |>
In this case, using 10-fold instead of 5-fold cross validation did reduce the standard error, although
by only an insignificant amount. In fact, due to the randomness in how the data are split, sometimes
you might even end up with a higher standard error when increasing the number of folds!
We can make the reduction in standard error more dramatic by increasing the number of folds
by a large amount. In the following code we show the result when
# hidden seed
cancer_vfold_50 <- vfold_cv(cancer_train, v = 50, strata = Class)
vfold_metrics_50 <- workflow() |>
add_recipe(cancer_recipe) |>
add_model(knn_spec) |>
fit_resamples(resamples = cancer_vfold_50) |>
Parameter value selection¶
Using 5- and 10-fold cross-validation, we have estimated that the prediction
accuracy of our classifier is somewhere around r round(100*(vfold_metrics |> filter(.metric == "accuracy"))$mean,0)
Whether that is good or not
depends entirely on the downstream application of the data analysis. In the
present situation, we are trying to predict a tumor diagnosis, with expensive,
damaging chemo/radiation therapy or patient death as potential consequences of
misprediction. Hence, we might like to
do better than r round(100*(vfold_metrics |> filter(.metric == "accuracy"))$mean,0)
% for this application.
In order to improve our classifier, we have one choice of parameter: the number of
neighbors, tidymodels
package collection provides a very simple
syntax for tuning models: each parameter in the model to be tuned should be specified
as tune()
in the model specification rather than given a particular value.
knn_spec <- nearest_neighbor(weight_func = "rectangular",
neighbors = tune()) |>
set_engine("kknn") |>
Then instead of using fit
or fit_resamples
, we will use the tune_grid
function \index{cross-validation!tune_grid}\index{tidymodels!tune_grid}
to fit the model for each value in a range of parameter values.
In particular, we first create a data frame with a neighbors
variable that contains the sequence of values of k_vals
data frame with the neighbors
variable containing values from 1 to 100 (stepping by 5) using
the seq
Then we pass that data frame to the grid
argument of tune_grid
# hidden seed
k_vals <- tibble(neighbors = seq(from = 1, to = 100, by = 5))
knn_results <- workflow() |>
add_recipe(cancer_recipe) |>
add_model(knn_spec) |>
tune_grid(resamples = cancer_vfold, grid = k_vals) |>
accuracies <- knn_results |>
filter(.metric == "accuracy")
We can decide which number of neighbors is best by plotting the accuracy versus
accuracy_vs_k <- ggplot(accuracies, aes(x = neighbors, y = mean)) +
geom_point() +
geom_line() +
labs(x = "Neighbors", y = "Accuracy Estimate") +
theme(text = element_text(size = 12))
Setting the number of
neighbors to r (accuracies |> arrange(desc(mean)) |> head(1))$neighbors
provides the highest accuracy (r (accuracies |> arrange(desc(mean)) |> slice(1) |> pull(mean) |> round(4))*100
%). But there is no exact or perfect answer here;
any selection from r (accuracies |> arrange(desc(mean)) |> head(1))$neighbors
value is
higher than the others on this plot,
that doesn’t mean the classifier is actually more accurate with this parameter
value! Generally, when selecting
we get roughly optimal accuracy, so that our model will likely be accurate;
changing the value to a nearby one (e.g., adding or subtracting a small number) doesn’t decrease accuracy too much, so that our choice is reliable in the presence of uncertainty;
the cost of training the model is not prohibitive (e.g., in our situation, if
is too large, predicting becomes expensive!).
We know that r (accuracies |> arrange(desc(mean)) |> head(1))$neighbors
provides the highest estimated accuracy. Further, Figure @ref(fig:06-find-k) shows that the estimated accuracy
changes by only a small amount if we increase or decrease r (accuracies |> arrange(desc(mean)) |> head(1))$neighbors
And finally, r (accuracies |> arrange(desc(mean)) |> head(1))$neighbors
does not create a prohibitively expensive
computational cost of training. Considering these three points, we would indeed select
r (accuracies |> arrange(desc(mean)) |> head(1))$neighbors
for the classifier.
To build a bit more intuition, what happens if we keep increasing the number of
neighbors grid
argument of tune_grid
. Figure @ref(fig:06-lots-of-ks) shows a plot of estimated accuracy as
we vary
# hidden seed
k_lots <- tibble(neighbors = seq(from = 1, to = 385, by = 10))
knn_results <- workflow() |>
add_recipe(cancer_recipe) |>
add_model(knn_spec) |>
tune_grid(resamples = cancer_vfold, grid = k_lots) |>
accuracies <- knn_results |>
filter(.metric == "accuracy")
accuracy_vs_k_lots <- ggplot(accuracies, aes(x = neighbors, y = mean)) +
geom_point() +
geom_line() +
labs(x = "Neighbors", y = "Accuracy Estimate") +
theme(text = element_text(size = 12))
Underfitting: \index{underfitting!classification} What is actually happening to our classifier that causes
this? As we increase the number of neighbors, more and more of the training
observations (and those that are farther and farther away from the point) get a
“say” in what the class of a new observation is. This causes a sort of
“averaging effect” to take place, making the boundary between where our
classifier would predict a tumor to be malignant versus benign to smooth out
and become simpler. If you take this to the extreme, setting
Overfitting: \index{overfitting!classification} In contrast, when we decrease the number of neighbors, each
individual data point has a stronger and stronger vote regarding nearby points.
Since the data themselves are noisy, this causes a more “jagged” boundary
corresponding to a less simple model. If you take this case to the extreme,
ks <- c(1, 7, 20, 300)
plots <- list()
for (i in 1:length(ks)) {
knn_spec <- nearest_neighbor(weight_func = "rectangular",
neighbors = ks[[i]]) |>
set_engine("kknn") |>
knn_fit <- workflow() |>
add_recipe(cancer_recipe) |>
add_model(knn_spec) |>
fit(data = cancer_train)
# create a prediction pt grid
smo_grid <- seq(min(cancer_train$Smoothness),
length.out = 100)
con_grid <- seq(min(cancer_train$Concavity),
length.out = 100)
scgrid <- as_tibble(expand.grid(Smoothness = smo_grid,
Concavity = con_grid))
knnPredGrid <- predict(knn_fit, scgrid)
prediction_table <- bind_cols(knnPredGrid, scgrid) |>
rename(Class = .pred_class)
# plot
plots[[i]] <-
ggplot() +
geom_point(data = cancer_train,
mapping = aes(x = Smoothness,
y = Concavity,
color = Class),
alpha = 0.75) +
geom_point(data = prediction_table,
mapping = aes(x = Smoothness,
y = Concavity,
color = Class),
alpha = 0.02,
size = 5.) +
labs(color = "Diagnosis") +
ggtitle(paste("K = ", ks[[i]])) +
scale_color_manual(labels = c("Malignant", "Benign"),
values = c("orange2", "steelblue2")) +
theme(text = element_text(size = 18), axis.title=element_text(size=18))
p_no_legend <- lapply(plots, function(x) x + theme(legend.position = "none"))
legend <- get_legend(plots[[1]] + theme(legend.position = "bottom"))
p_grid <- plot_grid(plotlist = p_no_legend, ncol = 2)
plot_grid(p_grid, legend, ncol = 1, rel_heights = c(1, 0.2))
Both overfitting and underfitting are problematic and will lead to a model
that does not generalize well to new data. When fitting a model, we need to strike
a balance between the two. You can see these two effects in Figure
@ref(fig:06-decision-grid-K), which shows how the classifier changes as
we set the number of neighbors
Classification algorithms use one or more quantitative variables to predict the
value of another categorical variable. In particular, the
The overall workflow for performing tidymodels
is as follows:
\index{tidymodels}\index{recipe}\index{cross-validation}\index{K-nearest neighbors!classification}\index{classification}
Use the
function to split the data into a training and test set. Set thestrata
argument to the class label variable. Put the test set aside for now.Use the
function to split up the training data for cross-validation.Create a
that specifies the class label and predictors, as well as preprocessing steps for all variables. Pass the training data as thedata
argument of the recipe.Create a
model specification, withneighbors = tune()
.Add the recipe and model specification to a
, and use thetune_grid
function on the train/validation splits to estimate the classifier accuracy for a range of values.Pick a value of
that yields a high accuracy estimate that doesn’t change much if you change to a nearby value.Make a new model specification for the best parameter value (i.e.,
), and retrain the classifier using thefit
function.Evaluate the estimated accuracy of the classifier on the test set using the
In these last two chapters, we focused on the
is a simple, intuitive algorithm,
requires few assumptions about what the data must look like, and
works for binary (two-class) and multi-class (more than 2 classes) classification problems.
becomes very slow as the training data gets larger,
may not perform well with a large number of predictors, and
may not perform well when classes are imbalanced.
Predictor variable selection¶
Note: This section is not required reading for the remainder of the textbook. It is included for those readers interested in learning how irrelevant variables can influence the performance of a classifier, and how to pick a subset of useful variables to include as predictors.
Another potentially important part of tuning your classifier is to choose which
variables from your data will be treated as predictor variables. Technically, you can choose
anything from using a single predictor variable to using every variable in your
data; the
The effect of irrelevant predictors¶
Let’s take a look at an example where Smoothness
, Concavity
, and
variables from the original data. Then, we added irrelevant
variables that we created ourselves using a random number generator.
The irrelevant variables each take a value of 0 or 1 with equal probability for each observation, regardless
of what the value Class
variable takes. In other words, the irrelevant variables have
no meaningful relationship with the Class
cancer_irrelevant <- cancer |> select(Class, Smoothness, Concavity, Perimeter)
for (i in 1:500) {
# create column
col = (sample(2, size=nrow(cancer_irrelevant), replace=TRUE)-1)
cancer_irrelevant <- cancer_irrelevant |>
add_column( !!paste("Irrelevant", i, sep="") := col)
cancer_irrelevant |>
select(Class, Smoothness, Concavity, Perimeter, Irrelevant1, Irrelevant2)
Next, we build a sequence of Smoothness
, and Perimeter
as predictor variables, but also increasingly many irrelevant
variables. In particular, we create 6 data sets with 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, and 40 irrelevant predictors.
Then we build a model, tuned via 5-fold cross-validation, for each data set.
Figure @ref(fig:06-performance-irrelevant-features) shows
the estimated cross-validation accuracy versus the number of irrelevant predictors. As
we add more irrelevant predictor variables, the estimated accuracy of our
classifier decreases. This is because the irrelevant variables add a random
amount to the distance between each pair of observations; the more irrelevant
variables there are, the more (random) influence they have, and the more they
corrupt the set of nearest neighbors that vote on the class of the new
observation to predict.
# get accuracies after including k irrelevant features
ks <- c(0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 40)
fixedaccs <- list()
accs <- list()
nghbrs <- list()
for (i in 1:length(ks)) {
knn_spec <- nearest_neighbor(weight_func = "rectangular",
neighbors = tune()) |>
set_engine("kknn") |>
cancer_irrelevant_subset <- cancer_irrelevant |> select(1:(3+ks[[i]]))
cancer_vfold <- vfold_cv(cancer_irrelevant_subset, v = 5, strata = Class)
cancer_recipe <- recipe(Class ~ ., data = cancer_irrelevant_subset) |>
step_scale(all_predictors()) |>
res <- workflow() |>
add_recipe(cancer_recipe) |>
add_model(knn_spec) |>
tune_grid(resamples = cancer_vfold, grid = 20) |>
collect_metrics() |>
filter(.metric == "accuracy") |>
arrange(desc(mean)) |>
accs[[i]] <- res$mean
nghbrs[[i]] <- res$neighbors
knn_spec_fixed <- nearest_neighbor(weight_func = "rectangular",
neighbors = 3) |>
set_engine("kknn") |>
res <- workflow() |>
add_recipe(cancer_recipe) |>
add_model(knn_spec_fixed) |>
tune_grid(resamples = cancer_vfold, grid = 1) |>
collect_metrics() |>
filter(.metric == "accuracy") |>
arrange(desc(mean)) |>
fixedaccs[[i]] <- res$mean
accs <- accs |> unlist()
nghbrs <- nghbrs |> unlist()
fixedaccs <- fixedaccs |> unlist()
## get accuracy if we always just guess the most frequent label
#base_acc <- cancer_irrelevant |>
# group_by(Class) |>
# summarize(n = n()) |>
# mutate(frac = n/sum(n)) |>
# summarize(mx = max(frac)) |>
# select(mx)
#base_acc <- base_acc$mx |> unlist()
# plot
res <- tibble(ks = ks, accs = accs, fixedaccs = fixedaccs, nghbrs = nghbrs)
#res <- res |> mutate(base_acc = base_acc)
#plt_irrelevant_accuracies <- res |>
# ggplot() +
# geom_line(mapping = aes(x=ks, y=accs, linetype="Tuned KNN")) +
# geom_hline(data=res, mapping=aes(yintercept=base_acc, linetype="Always Predict Benign")) +
# labs(x = "Number of Irrelevant Predictors", y = "Model Accuracy Estimate") +
# scale_linetype_manual(name="Method", values = c("dashed", "solid"))
plt_irrelevant_accuracies <- ggplot(res) +
geom_line(mapping = aes(x=ks, y=accs)) +
labs(x = "Number of Irrelevant Predictors",
y = "Model Accuracy Estimate") +
theme(text = element_text(size = 18), axis.title=element_text(size=18))
Although the accuracy decreases as expected, one surprising thing about
Figure @ref(fig:06-performance-irrelevant-features) is that it shows that the method
still outperforms the baseline majority classifier (with about r round(cancer_propn_1[1,1], 0)
% accuracy)
even with 40 irrelevant variables.
How could that be? Figure @ref(fig:06-neighbors-irrelevant-features) provides the answer:
the tuning procedure for the
plt_irrelevant_nghbrs <- ggplot(res) +
geom_line(mapping = aes(x=ks, y=nghbrs)) +
labs(x = "Number of Irrelevant Predictors",
y = "Number of neighbors") +
theme(text = element_text(size = 18), axis.title=element_text(size=18))
res_tmp <- res %>% pivot_longer(cols=c("accs", "fixedaccs"),
plt_irrelevant_nghbrs <- ggplot(res_tmp) +
geom_line(mapping = aes(x=ks, y=accuracy, color=Type)) +
labs(x = "Number of Irrelevant Predictors", y = "Accuracy") +
scale_color_discrete(labels= c("Tuned K", "K = 3")) +
theme(text = element_text(size = 17), axis.title=element_text(size=17))
Finding a good subset of predictors¶
So then, if it is not ideal to use all of our variables as predictors without consideration, how
do we choose which variables we should use? A simple method is to rely on your scientific understanding
of the data to tell you which variables are not likely to be useful predictors. For example, in the cancer
data that we have been studying, the ID
variable is just a unique identifier for the observation.
As it is not related to any measured property of the cells, the ID
variable should therefore not be used
as a predictor. That is, of course, a very clear-cut case. But the decision for the remaining variables
is less obvious, as all seem like reasonable candidates. It
is not clear which subset of them will create the best classifier. One could use visualizations and
other exploratory analyses to try to help understand which variables are potentially relevant, but
this process is both time-consuming and error-prone when there are many variables to consider.
Therefore we need a more systematic and programmatic way of choosing variables.
This is a very difficult problem to solve in
general, and there are a number of methods that have been developed that apply
in particular cases of interest. Here we will discuss two basic
selection methods as an introduction to the topic. See the additional resources at the end of
this chapter to find out where you can learn more about variable selection, including more advanced methods.
The first idea you might think of for a systematic way to select predictors is to try all possible subsets of predictors and then pick the set that results in the “best” classifier. This procedure is indeed a well-known variable selection method referred to as best subset selection [@bealesubset; @hockingsubset]. \index{variable selection!best subset}\index{predictor selection|see{variable selection}} In particular, you
create a separate model for every possible subset of predictors,
tune each one using cross-validation, and
pick the subset of predictors that gives you the highest cross-validation accuracy.
Best subset selection is applicable to any classification method (
Another idea is to iteratively build up a model by adding one predictor variable at a time. This method—known as forward selection [@forwardefroymson; @forwarddraper]—is also widely \index{variable selection!forward} applicable and fairly straightforward. It involves the following steps:
Start with a model having no predictors.
Run the following 3 steps until you run out of predictors:
For each unused predictor, add it to the model to form a candidate model.
Tune all of the candidate models.
Update the model to be the candidate model with the highest cross-validation accuracy.
Select the model that provides the best trade-off between accuracy and simplicity.
Say you have
Note: One word of caution before we move on. Every additional model that you train increases the likelihood that you will get unlucky and stumble on a model that has a high cross-validation accuracy estimate, but a low true accuracy on the test data and other future observations. Since forward selection involves training a lot of models, you run a fairly high risk of this happening. To keep this risk low, only use forward selection when you have a large amount of data and a relatively small total number of predictors. More advanced methods do not suffer from this problem as much; see the additional resources at the end of this chapter for where to learn more about advanced predictor selection methods.
Forward selection in R¶
We now turn to implementing forward selection in R.
Unfortunately there is no built-in way to do this using the tidymodels
so we will have to code it ourselves. First we will use the select
to extract the “total” set of predictors that we are willing to work with.
Here we will load the modified version of the cancer data with irrelevant
predictors, and select Smoothness
, Concavity
, Perimeter
, Irrelevant1
, Irrelevant2
, and Irrelevant3
as potential predictors, and the Class
variable as the label.
We will also extract the column names for the full set of predictor variables.
# hidden seed
cancer_subset <- cancer_irrelevant |>
names <- colnames(cancer_subset |> select(-Class))
The key idea of the forward selection code is to use the paste
function (which concatenates strings
separated by spaces) to create a model formula for each subset of predictors for which we want to build a model.
The collapse
argument tells paste
what to put between the items in the list;
to make a formula, we need to put a +
symbol between each variable.
As an example, let’s make a model formula for all the predictors,
which should output something like
Class ~ Smoothness + Concavity + Perimeter + Irrelevant1 + Irrelevant2 + Irrelevant3
Finally, we need to write some code that performs the task of sequentially
finding the best predictor to add to the model.
If you recall the end of the wrangling chapter, we mentioned
that sometimes one needs more flexible forms of iteration than what
we have used earlier, and in these cases one typically resorts to
a for loop; see the chapter on iteration in R for Data Science [@wickham2016r].
Here we will use two for loops:
one over increasing predictor set sizes
(where you see for (i in 1:length(names))
and another to check which predictor to add in each round (where you see for (j in 1:length(names))
For each set of predictors to try, we construct a model formula,
pass it into a recipe
, build a workflow
that tunes
# hidden seed
# create an empty tibble to store the results
accuracies <- tibble(size = integer(),
model_string = character(),
accuracy = numeric())
# create a model specification
knn_spec <- nearest_neighbor(weight_func = "rectangular",
neighbors = tune()) |>
set_engine("kknn") |>
# create a 5-fold cross-validation object
cancer_vfold <- vfold_cv(cancer_subset, v = 5, strata = Class)
# store the total number of predictors
n_total <- length(names)
# stores selected predictors
selected <- c()
# for every size from 1 to the total number of predictors
for (i in 1:n_total) {
# for every predictor still not added yet
accs <- list()
models <- list()
for (j in 1:length(names)) {
# create a model string for this combination of predictors
preds_new <- c(selected, names[[j]])
model_string <- paste("Class", "~", paste(preds_new, collapse="+"))
# create a recipe from the model string
cancer_recipe <- recipe(as.formula(model_string),
data = cancer_subset) |>
step_scale(all_predictors()) |>
# tune the KNN classifier with these predictors,
# and collect the accuracy for the best K
acc <- workflow() |>
add_recipe(cancer_recipe) |>
add_model(knn_spec) |>
tune_grid(resamples = cancer_vfold, grid = 10) |>
collect_metrics() |>
filter(.metric == "accuracy") |>
summarize(mx = max(mean))
acc <- acc$mx |> unlist()
# add this result to the dataframe
accs[[j]] <- acc
models[[j]] <- model_string
jstar <- which.max(unlist(accs))
accuracies <- accuracies |>
add_row(size = i,
model_string = models[[jstar]],
accuracy = accs[[jstar]])
selected <- c(selected, names[[jstar]])
names <- names[-jstar]
Interesting! The forward selection procedure first added the three meaningful variables Perimeter
, and Smoothness
, followed by the irrelevant variables. Figure @ref(fig:06-fwdsel-3)
visualizes the accuracy versus the number of predictors in the model. You can see that
as meaningful predictors are added, the estimated accuracy increases substantially; and as you add irrelevant
variables, the accuracy either exhibits small fluctuations or decreases as the model attempts to tune the number
of neighbors to account for the extra noise. In order to pick the right model from the sequence, you have
to balance high accuracy and model simplicity (i.e., having fewer predictors and a lower chance of overfitting). The
way to find that balance is to look for the elbow \index{variable selection!elbow method}
in Figure @ref(fig:06-fwdsel-3), i.e., the place on the plot where the accuracy stops increasing dramatically and
levels off or begins to decrease. The elbow in Figure @ref(fig:06-fwdsel-3) appears to occur at the model with
3 predictors; after that point the accuracy levels off. So here the right trade-off of accuracy and number of predictors
occurs with 3 variables: Class ~ Perimeter + Concavity + Smoothness
. In other words, we have successfully removed irrelevant
predictors from the model! It is always worth remembering, however, that what cross-validation gives you
is an estimate of the true accuracy; you have to use your judgement when looking at this plot to decide
where the elbow occurs, and whether adding a variable provides a meaningful increase in accuracy.
fwd_sel_accuracies_plot <- accuracies |>
ggplot(aes(x = size, y = accuracy)) +
geom_line() +
labs(x = "Number of Predictors", y = "Estimated Accuracy") +
theme(text = element_text(size = 20), axis.title=element_text(size=20))
Note: Since the choice of which variables to include as predictors is part of tuning your classifier, you cannot use your test data for this process!
Practice exercises for the material covered in this chapter can be found in the accompanying worksheets repository in the “Classification II: evaluation and tuning” row. You can launch an interactive version of the worksheet in your browser by clicking the “launch binder” button. You can also preview a non-interactive version of the worksheet by clicking “view worksheet.” If you instead decide to download the worksheet and run it on your own machine, make sure to follow the instructions for computer setup found in Chapter @ref(move-to-your-own-machine). This will ensure that the automated feedback and guidance that the worksheets provide will function as intended.
Additional resources¶
website is an excellent reference for more details on, and advanced usage of, the functions and packages in the past two chapters. Aside from that, it also has a nice beginner’s tutorial and an extensive list of more advanced examples that you can use to continue learning beyond the scope of this book. It’s worth noting that thetidymodels
package does a lot more than just classification, and so the examples on the website similarly go beyond classification as well. In the next two chapters, you’ll learn about another kind of predictive modeling setting, so it might be worth visiting the website only after reading through those chapters.An Introduction to Statistical Learning [@james2013introduction] provides a great next stop in the process of learning about classification. Chapter 4 discusses additional basic techniques for classification that we do not cover, such as logistic regression, linear discriminant analysis, and naive Bayes. Chapter 5 goes into much more detail about cross-validation. Chapters 8 and 9 cover decision trees and support vector machines, two very popular but more advanced classification methods. Finally, Chapter 6 covers a number of methods for selecting predictor variables. Note that while this book is still a very accessible introductory text, it requires a bit more mathematical background than we require.